T: + 386 (0) 40 206 934 | E: info@db-team.si

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Smo podjetje, ustanovljeno leta 2004 z namenom ponuditi naročniku najboljši servis na področju avdio in lučnega dizajna. Ne posojamo samo opreme, temveč pomagamo naročniku tehnično izpeljati dogodek na najvišjem nivoju. Z našim tehničnim znanjem se uvrščamo v sam vrh slovenske produkcije. Z delom se širimo po vsej Evropi, z leti tudi na področje bivše Jugoslavije ter celotnega Balkana.

Dnevno tehnično izpopolnjevanje nam daje prednost pri načrtovanju ter izvedbi samega dogodka. Naši cilji so realizirati dogodek ne samo profesionalno ampak v prvi vrsti zadovoljiti stranko in občinstvo. S povprečjem nikakor nismo zadovoljni.

V našem procesu in delu uporabljamo izključno izdelke vrhunskih blagovnih znamk kot so: Martin Audio, d&b audiotehnik, L-Acoustic, DiGiCo, DPA, SHure, Sennheiser, Shoeps. V zadnjih letih smo naše delovanje okrepili z lučno tehniko blagovnih znamk Claypacky, Robert Julijet, Studiodue, …


From humble beginnings in 2004 as an audio company specializing in live events, DB TEAM has become a modern, technology driven company providing solutions for audio and lighting systems with a diverse customer base. Located in Slovenia, the capital Ljubljana, our company has played key role in over 2.000 events and celebrated its 15th Anniversary in 2018.

DB team has grown into a full-service production company serving customers throughout the country and beyond. Today, our concert and live event production team, unlike other production companies, has permanent lighting and audio personnel in-house to plan and execute your important events from stadium size venues to more intimate settings.

Our Equipment Rental Division shares the same high expectations of quality. In the event you decide to handle your own production or need to make a presentation, our Rental Department can supply the gear. We have learned much over the years and can now confidently say that we absolutely understand your needs and we know that we can provide you service that will meet your expectations.

Our team understands that we are only a team if everyone is working towards a common goal – and that’s YOUR successful show or event. You will find our crew to be cooperative and supportive of each individuals success. Our job is to make you look good and we take it very seriously